Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is the education qualification required for becoming a Drone Pilot ?
The candidate must be atleast 10th pass.
2. Is it necessary to hold a valid passport for getting admission?
No. Government of India has simplified the norms for enrolling for Drone Pilot Training. You can now provide either a passport or Voter’s ID card or Ration Card or Driving License.
3. What is age limit for enrolling for a drone pilot
The age limit for enrolling for a drone pilot is 18 - 65 years
4. For how many years is the Drone Pilot Certificate valid ?
The Drone Pilot Certificate is valid for 10 years under Drone Rules 2021
5. What is the duration of the course ?
It is a 5-8 days course with option of attending the theory classes online or offline. The actual duration may vary a bit on the bases of candidate’s learning speed/ weather conditions during real flying and so on.
6. What are the job opportunities for a Drone Pilot ?
Drone pilot is an emerging career opportunity. As per some estimates by Government of India, we need One lakh pilots and current availability is less than 3000. Drone pilots have following job opportunities in following fields:
Precision Agriculture
Geographic Information System (GIS) and Mapping,
Land Survey
Creative content/ photography/videography
Raid/Road/Mining/ Mega Projects
In addition to this, drone pilots can buy a Drone and offer rental services in various applications. Government offer subsidy for purchase of Drones. Financing is also available to help these entrepreneur.